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Wednesday, 20 January 2016


Microsoft pledges $1bn in cloud computing resources to benefit nonprofits and universities --- Sony's "Socialife News" - All of your favorite news, videos and social feeds in one place

Monday, 11 January 2016


The mineter of state of petroleum Kachiku has declared the standard price of PMS as 86.9k. He also has
announced the immediate implementation of the price all over the country Nigeria and warned to sanction any petrol station selling above this stated price. He has also structured and publicly stating the process of sanction which starts with:
# closing the petrol station for three month, band and withdrawal of the stations licence.
  In the case of NNPC has he added, he would sack the manager of the specific station caught as he does not and cannot close down a government property as he wants the promotion and more fluent use of the NNPC station in Nigeria. Iwitness finally giving this news on the go is also glad and happy with the recent development in Nigeria. God bless Nigeria .

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Xperia Z3 dual

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